We did this even before the state required it.”

“Everyone since I’ve been here has had a significant background investigation. “Part-time, we can hire pretty much whomever we want,” said Glenny. The chief can select any one of the top three on the list, but is required to hire a veteran if one is available. Glenny said after the interviews the civil commission presents the chief with a list of acceptable candidates. When a hire is needed, the borough posts an announcement and those who apply come to take the certification test as well as a physical and psychological interview. “We have very little involvement the borough determines who can take the test,” said Glenny. Hiring for full-time positions in the police department is coordinated by the borough’s Civil Service Commission. That would be an opportunity to get some local folks onto the police department.” We would increase our applicant pool if we paid for it. “You have to pay the salary of the person you’re sending as well as their benefits. Glenny said the state would reimburse people 50 percent or more to send people to one of the state’s police academies if the borough paid the rest. “You have to go through one of these or else be certified from out of state.” Glenny said there were several police training academies in the state, with staff appointed by the governor. “They are predominately white males in their 20s.” “These are predominately those folks who put themselves through the police academy,” said Glenny. Glenny said the current hiring policies only allow the department to hire people who are already certified as police officers. We looked locally, and we also paid to have the ad sent out to sites that specialize in jobs for minorities.” For the last civil service opening we advertised on the PA Police Chiefs website and also nationally at. Glenny said identifying candidates to fill vacancies is a time-consuming process.