The repository README provides guidance on how to submit pull requests. The content for this site is available in GitHub and we welcome pull requests proposing changes from the community. To find out more about authoring an I-D, begin with Getting started. The term "author" is used here, but the information applies to people acting in any role. Internet-Drafts are prepared by people acting in possibly several roles, such as an author or an editor. Unless otherwise indicated, the information on this site applies to all streams. When an I-D is approved to become an RFC, it follows the separate RFC Editor RFC publication process. For the IETF that is documented in the standards development process. Each of the RFC Streams has their own process for how an I-D becomes an RFC. Some I-Ds may eventually be published as a Request for Comment (RFC). Anyone can write and submit an Internet-Draft. Internet-Drafts (I-Ds) are the basic work items of the IETF and they are produced for a variety of purposes by a wide range of individuals and groups. The repositories for the various tools are now in the ietf-tools organisation on GitHub.The xml2rfc vocabulary documentation is now at RFCXML Vocabulary.The catalog of tools is now at Tools catalog.The features available at that site have been replaced as follows: If you have been redirected here from then that site has been decommissioned. If you are new to authoring then begin with the introduction below or if you are more familiar then the main menu lists multiple individual topics. This site is the central resource site for authors of an Internet-Draft (I-D), with information on how to write an I-D and the tools available to support this. ¶ Welcome to the Internet-Draft authors resource site